

…Feeling a connection to something bigger and awe-inspiring is natural for our children. Awe, appreciation, wonder, curiosity, openness and questioning are inherent in the nature of a child. Our role as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and teachers is to keep the children in our lives close to their hearts and souls – to nurture their spirituality. We can do this through simple questions and practices. We are their guides and teachers. They are ours, as well. Their answers and musings to these questions and activities will open the channel to creating more life-affirming beliefs and behaviours. …This is what we all long for – no matter our age. …We have studied the basic moral principles that guide moral people and have identified a few that are found in all of the major religious and spiritual traditions – Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Holism, Hinduism. These shared principles form the basis for Wonder Kids Cards™ . …Spirirtuality has been defined as follows: Spiritual connection; Reflection; Service. If you agree with these practices, then the next step is to simply integrate them into your daily routine. The benefits will be worthwhile now and in preparing your child for the future.

How to Play

When we ask questions we never know what response we will get! These cards have been designed to be engaging and fun. We want to strengthen the voice of your child as well as your relationship. Follow these guidelines when playing: 1. Create a safe and relaxed environment. 2. Choose a time and place that will minimize interruptions for 10-15 minutes. Over time you can establish a habit of drawing a card at a special time – before bed, after school, during rides to school…Drawing a card and reflecting together is a wonderful habit that can last a lifetime. 3. Have your child shuffle and pick a question card. Listen to your child’s answer and ask other open-ended questions to further clarify thinking and responses. Do not correct. There are no wrong answers. With older children you may share your own answers. 4. Scan the reflection in the guidebook for your own learning. You may share this with your child or even read it out loud. 5. Read through the suggested activity and guide your child in doing it. Most activities can be done with materials you ‘ll have around your home. Research suggests that we remember only 10% of what we hear, but 90% of what we do. 6. Have your child say the affirmation on the back of the card. Words have power. Affirmations help us manifest our goals and dreams. 7. Let your child determine how, when, and how long the activity will last.

The Cards

A question on one side and an affirmation on the other

The Guidebook

Contains supporting activities and reflections Download Guidebook here

Wonder Kids Cards are licensed under Growing A Smile LLC and created by Caela Farren and Fiona Blackie.